King of Dragon Pass Wiki

This, by the way, isn't the good ending...

Event Dialogue[]

Those left alive after the devastating attack by the <enemy> hold a sober accounting. 
The clan approaches the ring.  The most outspoken of them voices their fear.  "Without wealth we are poor.  We are in danger of becoming stickpickers or worse!  There is no future for a clan lacking cattle, people, sheep and pigs."  The farmers complain, "No matter how hard we work, it will be difficult to grow enough to eat."  "We are small, and getting smaller, and are in danger of becoming stickpickers or worse!  There is no future for a clan lacking people."  The farmers complain, "Too few hands make heavy work."  Crafters know the clan cannot support their skills.  Even the weaponthanes agree that our situation is bleak.  "The other clans are well-established, and we will not be able to compete with them," they all say.  Everyone agrees  it is time to disband the clan.

Everyone quickly packed up, said their farewells, and left.  Many farmers had kin nearby, and so obtained entry into the neighboring clans.  The weaponthanes and crafters quickly found work among many other clans.  Some of the hunters joined other clans, some melted into the wildlands.  A few families decided to return to Heortland.  A few of these even became loyal followers of the Pharaoh, to the sorrow of those who had known and liked them here. 

As the last clan members left the tula, one of our more poetic carls gazed back at the empty steads, ruined fortifications, and weed-encroached fields.  Before turning away for the last time, he uttered our final words:  "We will not be remembered as a great clan.  Or even an adequate clan.  If the sagas mention us at all, they will recall our terrible mistakes.  We acted when we should have listened, failed to act when we should have done great deeds, and made enemies where we should have made friends.  Our people dispersed, our ring disgraced, our tula abandoned.  Thus ends our sorry tale, the tale of clan <X>.

King of Dragon Pass


There is some variation in the text depending on the exact circumstances.

  • Your clan can be dispersed by reaching certain low thresholds (based on difficulty level) of cattle or population, or after an overwhelming attack by a larger neighbor.
  • A few lines are devoted to the fate of your nobles, usually based on their main god. This can be amusing when multiple nobles of the same god are selected.
  • If the Unrepentant Agitator was never outlawed, she appears again in this event with some minor text variation. It does add an additional page of text:
And what of <Agitator>, who was quick to point out that she had predicted this destiny for us? She and others of the loudest complaining carls went to our old enemies, the <X>, speaking shrilly and often about the incompetence and misrule they had suffered with for so long. Later, traders told the tale of a remnant clan that was generously adopted, yet whined and complained so badly that they were soon asked to leave. Whatever became of them after that, no one knew.

King of Dragon Pass


Game over.
