King of Dragon Pass Wiki
Cragspider Meeting


Exploration Event

Area Skyfall Lake

Dragon Pass is a large area, and while it is arguable most inhabitants would just as soon have the Orlanthi gone, few have the personal power of Cragspider to enforce it.

Event dialogue[]

Your exploration party is taken prisoner by trolls. Unable to escape, they're left to their own devices, without advice from the ring. The trolls drag them into the presence of their leader, the terrifying Cragspider. The explorers can tell just from her presence that she's immensely powerful - and quite displeased to learn that they exist.
  1. Attack her
  2. "If you kill us, our people will make war on you."
  3. "Our clan will promise never to come here again."
  4. "Please spare our miserable lives, o powerful one."
  5. "We offer peace between our clan and the trolls."

King of Dragon Pass


There really aren't too many outcomes here:

  • If you are friendly with the trolls (say by undergoing Issaries' heroquest, Cragspider may release your party if you promise to never intrude on her lands again.
  • If your relations with the trolls aren't good, you threaten/attack her, or break your promise and come back to her domain, all you earn is a quick death.
  • If trolls are your clan's ancestral enemies, attacking her will slightly increase your clan magic; it pleases your ancestors that the exploring party died with heroic intent.
Although <X> and the expedition never returned, the ancestors said that they had died fighting trolls, our ancient enemies. It must have been a mighty battle, because their sacrifice strengthened our magic.

King of Dragon Pass


Cragspider is located to the far north-east corner of the map. As mentioned in consequences, there is no way to overcome her. It's generally wise to avoid triggering this event intentionally as angering the trolls will cause them to raid you more frequently, and eventually trigger Troll: Clan Destruction. Even if you want to get rid of certain nobles, you can send them anywhere else with 1 footman as an escort in order to get them killed.
